About Us

The New Way to

Who We Are

Resolute Testing Laboratories is a totally independent Research & Development organisation, offering specialist testing services for manufacturers, engineers and designers. Based in Brisbane, Australia, we support innovation with a complete fire, smoke and acoustics research and development facility that adds assurance to businesses large and small.

We offer specialist testing and support for:

  • Development of new materials, products or systems
  • Innovation of existing products or systems
  • Benchmark testing of existing products and systems to ensure ongoing compliance

Why Resolute?

Simply put, we get your product to market faster. With Resolute Laboratories as your R&D partner, you’ll commercialise with confidence, knowing your product is world-class. You’ll benefit from early testing that detects issues sooner and avoids costly rework later. If you hit a barrier, you’ll gain practical and technical counsel to perfect your product. And when you’re ready for full-scale testing and certifications, we’re by your side to make the process speedy and smooth.

We test as engineers but we act like business people. So we make testing accessible, affordable and accelerated, to speed your time to market and give you a commercial edge. That’s just the beginning of how we’re different from other testing alternatives. We’re also about professionalism, embracing four core pillars of performance:

Pillars of performance


Find out more

Find out more about Resolute Testing Laboratories. Get in-touch with us today to discuss how we can move your product testing forward with a Resolute difference.